C++ Games Developer (Psiclone Games)

Worked on 7 different Reels Game releases for two different platform to go out to Romania, Norway and Italy. Currently working on 1 project for Italy, 2 for Spain and 1 for Finland


Final Year Project/Endless Tower [HKUST]

Whilst abroad at HKUST I completed the equivalent of a Bachelors dissertation/thesis in the form of a Final Year Project (FYP). I did this as it allowed me to be able not to skip a year and complete an exchange.


Indoor Navigation using Smartphones

An Android/iOS application that is designed to help users navigate room-to-room within the department building using only the inertial sensors available on device. This was made as group project for the 4th year


Super Flight Academy

Super Flight Academy is a bullet hell-esque game, that uses a procedural engine, it was developed for module called “Game Programming” whilst studying at HKUST.


Application for Deutsche Bank

In the second year of my degree, Deutshe Bank came in and set a problem for a group project for the year. It was to create a platform which would handle live data about the stock market, coming in the format of a provided stream and allow the users to keep a portfolio of stocks.


Search Engine

Built a small scale search engine as a coursework during my time abroad in HKUST. Was done in a group with another exchange student.


About me

I am a 25 year old Computer Scienctist, who is currently employed as a C++ Games Developer at Psiclone Games. Whilst at Psiclone I have worked on Reels games that have been released to Romania, Norway and Italy. Prior to this I studied at the University of Warwick and graduated with a first class MEng in Computer Science. I spent my 3rd year on exchange at HKUST (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology). During my time abroad to ensure that I did not skip a year I did an equivalent of a 3rd year thesis, whilst undertaking high level modules.

I am a highly motivated individual who is constantly trying to challenge myself through the work I do trying to find more creative solutions where applicable. I have a experience working in new and global environments and I hope to continue to do so and grow and improve my abilities.

  • Creative

    I aim to not only challenge my logical abilities but the creative ones too, and is the main reason in game based projects I try to have a strong hand in the design aspects wherever possible

  • Motivated

    I have a strong desire to improve my own talents and grow as a person, I undertook a year abroad with a Thesis to help further this goal

  • Hard-working

    I work hard in any environment and always want to be contributing to the projects I am involved in. As well as volunteering to undertake new tasks that will challenge my abilities

  • Well-Rounded

    As well as having a desire to improve, I also have a variety of hobbies, including travelling/backpacking, gaming and football

My Travels

Travelling is a big hobby of mine as it was something that I remember doing with my parents when I was young, and recently after my year abroad I got some time to travel alone around south east Asia. This really re-ignited my passion for it as I got to not only experience unique cultures and places but meet a wide variety of new people

My desire to travel and experience new cultures is at the core of my wanting to work and live in a global environment, as I believe each new place I go will be bring new unique chances to learn and develop as a person.

Below are some photos from Japan, South Korea, China, Malaysia and Singapore. I hope to return someday and spend more time travelling back through these countries as well as other neighboroughing places.

In the beginning of the summer of 2016 I spent three weeks travelling around south eastern Europe with some friends, over this time I got to enjoy not only the good weather but culture, in places such as Macedonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Austria, Slovenia, and Croatia. Some photos to be added soon!

In the next few years I intended to do several small trips around Europe to specific countries, and hopefully after that spend a large period of time backpacking through my family's native coutry of Iran.